elearning illustration concept

ONLINE VS CLASSROOM: Top 10 Benefits of E-Learning

Benefits of E-Learning for Workforce Safety Training

Some employers may be reluctant to pursue online instruction, but do so at your own risk! “E-Learning” is at the cutting edge of training and companies that harness its potential consistently produce excellent employees. Refer to our quick hit list below for the top ten advantages of SET Safety’s online safety courses.

1. Lower cost

No classroom, no booklets, no instructors– there is almost no overhead! Online learning allows SET Safety to provide competitive rates for all of our courses. We also specialize in bulk orders and group accounts– pay upfront or “as-you-go.”

2. Flexibility

Do you have staff in remote locations? Do your employees have busy schedules? These could all make “in-class” learning impossible. Thankfully, if your staff has internet access: they can take a SET Safety online safety course. Not only is it convenient, students can complete courses and exams at a life-friendly pace. Many courses are even mobile-friendly (can be taken via smartphone).

3. Better Retention

SET Safety’s courses are designed to be fully interactive with audio and video components. Our “blended” learning approach offers all the benefits of immersive instruction without the pressure of a classroom. Studies report that e-learning students often retain more knowledge and provide more feedback overall.

4. Customization

Access to online courses can be given at the press of a button and new programs can be added at any time. Our 24/7 convenience allows your staff to progress at their own pace, but we can also tailor the programs to deadline-oriented industries.

5. Comfortable Environment

Many people find classrooms uncomfortable and some may even have negative associations with lecture-style learning. With SET Safety’s e-learning courses, students can choose when and where they study. Online instruction allows you to learn at your highest point of focus and energy.

6. Up To Date

All of SET Safety’s courses are kept up to date with industry standards. We pride ourselves on the professional recognition and certification that endorse our curriculum. Are you upgrading or renewing? New information and standards are included seamlessly for all students.

7. Easy Tracking

Management or administration can monitor all students enrolled in one of our customized group accounts. Real-time updates and reports on grades, completions or other performance can all be accessed easily through SET Safety’s programs.

8. Eco-Friendly

Consider the carbon footprint of traditional classroom instruction: paper and various supplies; utilities and other venue costs; commuting for students and instructor… The list goes on. Nearly all negative output is neutralized when you convert to an e-learning system from SET Safety.

9. Productivity Stays High

Don’t lose valuable hours of productivity to days spent in the classroom. SET Safety will help keep your staff active with online courses that can be easily fit into even the busiest of schedules.

10. Consistency

With SET Safety online safety training courses, each student is receiving the same instruction and course material. This kind of consistency is impossible to achieve with in-person training– humans are humans: we have bad days. Our online courses never have bad days! You can trust your staff with our universal learning system.

There you have it: ten top-notch facts about e-learning! The training and logistics professionals at SET Safety are dedicated to providing you with a streamlined online teaching environment. Contact us today— we are here to answer any question or concern you may have.

Online Safety Training

The contents of this article is provided as information-only and does not substitute workplace training, competency, legislative or industrial requirements. SET Safety and/ or the author is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of this information. SET Safety and/or the author does not accept liability for the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information presented. This article does not substitute legal, jurisdictional or professional advice. The reader bears all responsibility to seek professional guidance or advice on any information noted in this blog or related to the content of this blog.