

Cannabis Legalization and Workplace Drug Policies

Marijuana in the WorkplaceMedicinal marijuana (or cannabis) is quickly making its way towards widespread legality across Canada. This presents a whole host of issues for business owners, managers and supervisors as this drug becomes regulated and prescribed to the labour force. If you are in this position, keep reading for a summary of SET Safety’s Managing Medical Marijuana in the Workplace online course.
SET Safety’s online course covers the following areas:


A broad term used as an umbrella, accommodation defines many different workplace strategies and policies. Our online course outlines effective management of a safe work environment in the era of medical marijuana and the potential legalization of recreational use.

Medical Marijuana History & Case Law

Vital to understanding medical marijuana use in the workplace is a functioning knowledge of Canada’s history and case law about the matter. SET’s online course makes these heavy subjects easy to digest and comprehend, highlighting what is relevant to workplace management.

Regulation & The Future Of Legalization

SET Safety’s Managing Medical Marijuana in the Workplace online course walks you through the structure of medical marijuana regulations as they currently stand across Canada. Building on that, you will then learn how this may change going forward and the workplace impact of legal, recreational cannabis usage.
Preview or purchase SET Safety’s course today!
As you can see, medical marijuana and its related issues are a complex matter. Thanks to SET Safety’s universally compatible, user-friendly teaching and testing software, you can learn at your own pace and ensure you are prepared to earn a certificate of completion. Any questions or concerns? Contact us today!

Medical Marijuana

The contents of this article is provided as information-only and does not substitute workplace training, competency, legislative or industrial requirements. SET Safety and/ or the author is not responsible for the accuracy or validity of this information. SET Safety and/or the author does not accept liability for the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information presented. This article does not substitute legal, jurisdictional or professional advice. The reader bears all responsibility to seek professional guidance or advice on any information noted in this blog or related to the content of this blog.