

Learn Driver Improvement Techniques

Defensive Driving Techniques for Preventing Accidents

If your business or vocation requires any amount of driving, it is important to familiarize all operators with modern, defensive driver standards. SET Safety offers online defensive driving training approved by the Government of Alberta– which also grants graduates reduction of three (3) demerits from their licence. If you plan to provide or take this course, the following tips are practical examples of defensive driving.

  1. Limit distractions
  2. Plan ahead
  3. Be visible
  4. Stay alert
  5. Change with conditions

#1: Limit distractions

We all know about the consequences of cellphone use behind the wheel, but there are many other distracted driving risk factors: noisy or unruly passengers, loud music, unsecured pets, makeup, food and drink, etc. Defensive drivers manage or eliminate these factors, while keeping a tidy, uncluttered vehicle.

#2: Plan ahead

It may be considered common sense, but defensive driving standards stress that all vehicle operators should be fully prepared before beginning a journey. This means being aware of your vehicle’s condition, your destination, your route and any potential complications.

#3: Be visible

Proper use of headlights, signals, eye contact and other visibility tools are a defensive driver’s best friends. Since we are isolated in our vehicles, drivers need to use these things to communicate with one another so traffic proceeds safely. Another tip is to always clean or clear your lights in messy, muddy or snowy conditions.

#4: Stay alert

Defensive drivers must always be aware of what is going on around them so that they can make use of their skills. Certain safety measures are taken in response to how other drivers and traffic is moving around you. The only way to make use of this is to stay focused, keep your eyes moving and use your mirrors.

#5: Change with conditions

Since we can’t predict everything, defensive driving training teaches students to respond to the road around them as it happens. Weather, road hazards, collisions and many other factors can drastically impact your time behind the wheel– defensive drivers know when and how to adapt to these conditions.

The above tips are only a summary of the topics covered in SET Safety’s online defensive driving course. We also offer over 70 other online driver courses. Contact us today for a full assessment of your needs or for a breakdown of how defensive driving can help your business. Our learning management tools will ensure you stay on top of all your company’s safety compliance needs.


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