Benefits of Incorporating Blended Learning in Your Safety Training

Blended & Hybrid Learning

Benefits of Incorporating Blended LearningBlended (sometimes referred to as hybrid) learning refers to courses that have both online and face to face portions. The introduction of blended learning into the safety training world has not only changed how content is being delivered, but it also opens up different opportunities for learning. Read on to learn more about what blended learning is, and how it can benefit your company’s safety training program.

  1. Learner-Centered Education
  2. Increased Flexibility
  3. Content Variety
  4. Know Your Learner
  5. Organize Your Course in a Logical Manner

Learner-Centered Education

Also referred to as student-centered learning, blended learning aims to shift the focus of instruction from the teacher to the student by letting your employees take responsibility for their learning. This method of teaching promotes lifelong learning as well as independent problem-solving. Blended learning, thanks to its mix of online and in-classroom components, also allows employees to learn in a way that works best for them.

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Increased Flexibility

Blended learning allows you to offer your employees greater flexibility in their training. Employees are able to spend more time on content that they are unfamiliar with or that they find difficult to understand while moving quickly through areas that they are comfortable and familiar with. Online training also allows employees to complete the online portion of their courses on their own schedule – whether that be on a plane, in a hotel room or at their desk.

Content Variety

By bringing in an online portion of your safety training courses, you’re able to bring an interactive and multimodal approach. Switching up how content is delivered helps to keep employees engaged and will ultimately help them to absorb more information. When creating the online portion of your training, consider integrating formats such as videos, polls, games, etc.

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Blended Learning Course

Know Your Learner

By better understanding your employees, you can better design both the online and in-classroom portion of your safety training course to ensure maximum engagement.

Organize Your Course in a Logical Manner

When building your online courses, it’s important to lay them out in a way that it easy to follow and understand. Consider breaking information up into sections or units so that employees know where to put their focus.
Set Safety’s Learning Management System integrates flawlessly with the blended learning model through allowing you to build out online courses that automate competency-validation forms or link to in-class counterparts. Get in touch today to learn more or request a free demonstration.

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