How to implement a LMS in your organization

LMS Implementation Best Practice

Implementing change in the workplace can be tricky, even if it will make company processes easier and more efficient in the long run. Once implemented, learning management systems (or LMS) make managing documentation, tracking certifications, and delivering training material easily. However, they take some time to set up and implement correctly. Here are some critical steps in successfully implementing an LMS in your organization.

Plan in advance

Before you begin to implement an LMS, you will need to create an implementation plan. This includes considering your companies needs, timeframes, and potential challenges or obstacles. Start by establishing what your organization hopes to gain from an LMS. This will guide you towards any specific technical requirements, as well as ensure that you come up with a process for when and how your company will roll out its new LMS.

Organize an implementation team

For the best chance of success, you’ll want to have a team of people working on implementation. There are a number of different components in rolling out an LMS, and you need a team that can handle them. From HR and HSE managers who know what you need from the system, to IT and network specialists who can handle the technical requirements your team should have people with a variety of skill sets to address all aspects of implementation.

Test it out

One critical error organizations make is failing to test out any system they choose to implement before taking it live. If there are any issues or gaps within the system, you want to identify them early on so that they can be resolved. A few key areas you’ll want to watch out for are systems compatibility (can it be accessed through various operating systems, devices, browsers, etc.), issues with functionality (does it do what it’s supposed to, are there any components not functioning correctly), and usability (will it be easy enough for the necessary parties to learn to use).

LMS Buyers Guide

Take it live

After your new LMS has made it through implementation and testing, the last step is to roll it out throughout the organization. You may choose to do a staggered or staged launch (allowing access to small groups of people at a time or launching certain components, such as eLearning, later than others) as a way to easily troubleshoot problems and navigate any unforeseen issues.

As with any new system, there’s always a chance for small hiccups along the way. The key is to take them as they come and keep moving forward. Change takes time. Now that you’ve implemented the LMS, it’s a matter of allowing it time to flourish.

Want to learn more about implementing an LMS in your organization? Contact the team at SET Safety today!

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